Do Family Members Call for Help for Their Loved Ones?

Yes!  Almost half of the inquiring calls we receive are from family members of people addicted to opioids. If there is a relationship, we have heard from them.

  • Mothers and fathers for their children
  • Grandparents for grandchildren
  • Sisters and brothers for their siblings
  • Step parents for their step-children
  • Wives and husbands for their spouses
  • Children for their parents and step-parents
  • Girlfriends and boyfriends for their partners

People call at different stages of frustration.  Sometimes their loved ones cannot bring themselves to make the inquiries themselves, sometimes they are calling without the knowledge of their loved one.  They call to educate themselves so that they can educate their loved one struggling with opioid addiction.

They want to understand what the treatment options are.  Some know a lot, some are just getting started on their journey to educate themselves.   We hear their concerns, their specific constraints, their experiences trying to help their loved one.  The stories are often heartbreaking, but knowing that someone is working to help their loved one is encouraging.  

Relatives know that they are limited in how much impact they can have.  They can inquire, they can guide, and they often finance the cost of recovery.  They cannot, however, make the daily decisions necessary for recovery.  

Armed with good solid information about alternatives in intensity, cost and duration, relatives make a big difference in the decision making of their loved ones.

Please feel free to call or email us anytime with any questions or concerns.  We are eager to answer your questions and help you help those you love.

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